A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.

This is the quote for the day I received from "Positive Quote of the Day." And it just simply hit me. Suddenly, I missed my friends--my longtime friends. They are the ones I've been with way back in high school and college. We are seven in the group, obviously seven different personalities. Some are shy, timid, funny, snob, but we jived along well. I am basically the shy one, though Yan, Mitch, and Edel, too. Gie is the "nanny-type", Ces the snobbish-type, and Mel the group's clown. Our group is a mix of a little of little of everything. They are the ones I've been with when I first fell in and out of love, when I had my first heartbreak, until I finally met and married the one. After college we went through our seperate lives, but once in a blue moon we get together, mostly on special occasions, like my daughter's christening and her first birthday, weddings, or simply getting out. Sad to say, I missed a few of those get-outs. sob, sob. We have recently get in touch. A lot has been changed--our looks, our status, yet there are pieces of me that have remained the same. Yes, we have changed, we have grown up! Meeting them after several years, the feeling is the same. We talk the same, we laugh the same, except that there are some additions now--the hubbies and the kiddies. Good thing our husbands are friends too, all have no vices other than we and the kids (hurray!). The latest addition is Kuku and Ces who are now parents-to-be to a baby boy in two months' time. Really, we have grown up.
There is a saying that life is a journey, from "womb to tomb" as they put it. We meet new friends along life's journey. We can have many friends but only a few closest ones. At this point in my life, I have a lot of catchings to do to fill the space of renewing the friendship, reknowing my old-time friends, my best friends.
CREMM3, I loved you for the past 19 years and even more so after 19 years! It’s great to have a friendship that stands the test of time!! And yes, we have gotten better with age.
Labels: friendship, Positive Quote of the Day